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Local Spooler 1.2.0

New Features

  • Opening the firewall ports is no longer part of the installation due to this is normally done by the system administrators on customer side. However, a separate script firewall.ps1 for Windows or for Linux is contained in delivery and can be used for opening the firewall ports. For more information, refer to Open the Firewall Ports on Windows or Open the Firewall Ports on Linux.

  • The SEAL NATS message broker has been introduced to improve the message handling and has to be installed before updating to Local Spooler 1.2.0, refer to the SEAL NATS documentation.

  • After installing or updating Local Spooler and the components such as NATS and MongoDB, the install scripts no longer start the services. The services have to be started manually after the installation or update. For more information, refer to the installation and update descriptions for Windows and Linux. (LSP-14)

  • Installation and update times have been significantly reduced. (PLS-1386)

  • Before updating, the existent envconsul.json file is backed up with a timestamp and can be manually merged into the newly installed envconsul.json file after the update. (PLS-1455)

  • Node.js has been updated due to security vulnerability. (PLS-1218, PLS-1276)

  • The driver for MongoDB has been updated to 4.11.0. (PLS-1607)

  • The security certificates contained in delivery have been updated.

  • The socketCloseTimeout printer key is available for specifying the timeout for closing the connection to the printer for each printer separately. (PLS-1193)

  • New service key IPP_SYSTEMS specifies the authentication and proxy configuration for the source IPP systems. (LSP-19, PLS-1713)

  • New service key TLS_EXTERNAL_DIR to specify the external certificate files necessary for the services handling external requests. (PLS-1723)

  • SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT has been implemented for the lpr transfer protocol. (PLS-1759)

  • Housekeeping has been improved in order to lower the system load with MongoDB. (PLS-1096)

  • Instead of outputting a job to a printer, a script can be executed with the spool data, for example, for sending an e-mail or copying the spool file to the file system. For more information, refer to Configure a Script as Job Output on Windows or Linux. (PLS-1126)

  • The USE_ETAG key is available for deactivating the ETag handling. (PLS-1290)

  • The default of the MONGO_LOCKS_AGE key has been changed from ten seconds (10s) to one minute (1m). (PLS-917)

  • The LOG_FULL_JOB_PROPERTIES key is available for specifying if the metadata of the jobs are logged. (PLS-1212)

  • The successful SAP notifications are logged with the log level info. (PLS-1213)

  • With the job metadata, only one attribute concerning the number of copies is displayed. For how the number of copies are determined from the input data, refer to Set Copies. (PLS-662)

  • The default of the time after which the successfully terminated jobs JOB_LIFETIME_PROCESSED are deleted has been set to one hour. (PLS-1275)

  • The PICKUP_BLOCK_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT key is available which for specifying an additional inactivity timeout after processing one or more pickup jobs released by a user via IPP. (PLS-1313)

  • For IPP, HTTPS is supported with the printer connection. (PLS-1344)

  • The JOBNAME and USERNAME parameters are stored in the job as jobName and userName. In order that the job and user names are displayed correctly at the printer, which is important especially when using 3rd-party pickup printing systems or secure printing with a PIN, make sure you update to printer templates from March 2022 or later. (PLS-1315)

  • Changes in will be saved in the database at the end of a flow or before the call of a converter. Only the userName can't be changed. (PLS-1029)

  • All original job parameters will be kept in job.orig. (PLS-1470)

  • For the check-in services, the PRINTER_CACHE_TTL key is available for specifying the time interval after that a cached printer object expires. (PLS-1399)

  • Virtual queues are available for failover, loadbalancing and routing. For the available keys, refer to Printer Keys. (PLS-1374)

  • For printers supporting the PLJ protocol, PLJ replies from the printers can be evaluated. This way, it can be ensured that jobs are completely output and jobs can be repeated at the page where the output was interrupted. For the restrictions with the PJL output and page failover and how to activate and configure the PLJ output, refer to Use PJL Output. (PLS-1534)

  • The format of the Consul log file has been changed to JSON. For this, "log_json": true, has been added to consul.json. (PLS-1509)


    • the plossys printer check command is available for checking the connections to the printers and, optionally, sending test files to the printers. For more information, refer to Check Printer Connections. (PLS-136)

    • plossys printer-config commands are available for managing additional printer configurations. For more information, refer to Administrate Additional Printer Configurations. (PLS-1668)

    • the command plossys service stop now has the option --full. plossys service stop --full stops all services including the services of the infrastructure tools such as MongoDB and Consul. plossys service stop only stops the Local Spooler services but not the services of the infrastructure tools. (PLS-1593)

    • the commands plossy printer set-message and plossys printer remove-message are available to manage printer messages. For more information, refer to Administrate the Printers. (PLS-1584)

    • the command plossys printer redirect is available to enable the redirection from one printer to another one. For more information, refer to Redirect a Printer. (PLS-1584)


  • The bug that objects were output incorrectly in the log messages has been fixed. (PLS-1209)

  • The bug that jobs were fetched more than once if they were stopped on the target system has been fixed. (PLS-1159)

  • The crash of seal-controller after an error occurred with MongoDB has been fixed. (PLS-1148)

  • A fatal message is logged in case of a service crash. (PLS-1127)

  • The housekeeper service no longer harm jobs which just have arrived. (PLS-1307)

  • Jobs paused on the source system are no longer fetched by the IPP Proxy. (PLS-1194)

  • When stopping Local Spooler on Windows, all services of SEAL Systems are searched and not only those in the "running" status in order to catch all services in an "unclear" status as well. (PLS-1145)

  • PostScript properties without PLS_ prefix are interpreted correctly. (PLS-1250)

  • The audit log messages have been fixed. (PLS-1312)

  • The bug with hanging queues at high load has been fixed. (PLS-1129)

  • The messages when updating Local Spooler have been improved. (PLS-1233)

  • The error handling with the installation script has been improved.(PLS-1325)

  • The bug that sometimes SAP notifications were logged more than once has been fixed. (PLS-1326)

  • The bug that erroneous jobs were replied to SAP as successful has been fixed. (PLS-1268)

  • The port numbers opened by the firewall script has been fixed. (PLS-1365)

  • The PLOSSYS CLI commands on Linux execute the commands with sudo for users without root privileges. (PLS-1305)

  • The memory leak with controller and checkout has been fixed. (PLS-1385)

  • The bug with "Invalid Printer URL" when updating a printer with multiple URLs has been fixed. (PLS-1204)

  • The bug that the housekeeper did not purge jobs with queue names containing upper and lower cases has been fixed. (PLS-1618)

  • The for Linux has been improved. (PLS-1487)

  • The bug that jobs were output twice when a printer was paused has been fixed. (PLS-1558)

  • SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT has been implemented for the lpr transfer protocol. (PLS-1759)

  • The bug has been fixed, that caused print jobs to stop with an unexpected status code 500. (PLS-1761)

  • The bug has been fixed, that prevented the successful stop of jobs and queues in a cluster. (PLS-1714)

  • The bug has been fixed, where queue names and output destinations were not processed correctly and thus made pickup printing impossible. (PLS-1751)

  • The bug has been fixed, where too many job parameters led to a job error. (PLS-1684)

  • The logging of status changes has been improved. (PLS-1622)

  • The bug has been fixed, where status notifications to SAP has been sent in the wrong order. For this, the new service seal-co-notifier has been implemented. For necessary changes, refer to Update to 5.6.0 for Windows or Update to 5.6.0 for Linux. (PLS-1778)

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